Resolutions accepted at the BWUA meetings in Liberia August 2022



Article VIII of the statutes of the Union of African Baptist Women (BWUA) states the following:

• Members are elected every five (05) years at the BWUA Continental Conference by a Nominating Committee.

• The Ex-officio members are elected by the Baptist World Alliance – Women's Department (BWA-WD).

In addition, the Executive Committee of the All Africa Baptist Fellowship (AABF) recommends that the cycles of the BWUA mandates be aligned with those of the AABF, which is not currently the case;

Accordingly, the Conference of the Union of African Baptist Women held from 14 to 17 August 2022 in Monrovia, Liberia accepts the following resolution:

Resolution: In order to realign the mandates of the BWUA Executive Committee with those of the AABF Executive Committee, Article VIII of the BWUA Statutes remains unchanged but the Executive Committee elected at the conference held from 14 to 17 August 2022 will have a four-year term, from 2022 to 2026. 

The mandates that will follow from 2026 will respect the dispositions of article VIII of the BWUA statutes and at the same time will respond to the recommendations of the AABF.



Context: BWUA Article VII – Meetings in paragraphs 1 and 2 states the following with regard to the appointment of the President and the cycle of conferences:

• A General meeting of the Union shall be held every five years.

• The Executive Officers of the BWUA in consultation with the Women’s Department of the Baptist World Alliance, shall make the final decision concerning the place of the next meeting.

The UFBA in its operation and for the sake of fairness applies a system of rotation of regions in the choice of the president.

Following the appointment of the leaders, the honor of hosting the Continental Conference goes to the country of the President.

The Conference of the Union of African Baptist Women held from 14 to 17 August 2022 in Monrovia, Liberia accepts the following resolution:

Resolution: Article VII of the UFBA Statutes remains unchanged. But, for the sake of organization, the following rotation is retained for the choice of the BWUA president of the next mandates:

• Mandate 2022-2026: Eastern Region

• Mandate 2026-2031: Western Region

• Mandate 2031-2036: Southern Region

• Mandate 2036-2041: Central Region   

Consequently, the continental conferences will be held according to the following rotation by region:

• 2026 – Eastern Region

• 2031 – Western Region

• 2036 – Southern Region

• 2041 – Central Region.


Resolution 3Day of the African Child (DAC)



The Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the former 'Organization of African Unity' (OAU) instituted the Day of the African Child (DAC) in memory of the Soweto student revolt in South Africa on 16 June 1976.  The students had marched to protest the poor quality of education they were receiving.

Since 1991, June 16th marks a yearly international celebration of this event.


Today, the DAC serves to commemorate these children and the brave action they took in defence of their rights to quality education. The DAC thus celebrates the African children. In addition, the DOC calls people to serious introspection and dynamic commitment towards addressing the numerous challenges children face across the continent.


BWUA celebrates the Day of the African Child. BWUA aims at focusing on education of the underprivileged young girls. All the memberships are encouraged to promote the DAC and observe it through activities and fundraisings and sponsorships.

The Conference of the Union of African Baptist Women held from 14 to 17 August 2022 in Monrovia, Liberia accepts the following resolution:

Resolution: Just as BWUA designs the organization of Africa's Day of Prayer on the first Thursday of February each year, BWUA is to organize the Day of the African Child with a theme and outline of activities as from 2023.

 Resolution 4 – Christian Theological Education:



The Executive Committee of the Union of African Baptist Women noted with interest the limited number of opportunities offered to female teachers, leaders and theologians, with the aim of strengthening their capacities in theological education.

There are several reasons for this. It is still recognized that there are people who have received educational opportunities and resources for their development.


The Conference of the Union of African Baptist Women held from 14 to 17 August 2022 in Monrovia, Liberia accepts the following resolution:


Resolution: BWUA is committed to finding partner associations to provide opportunities for women theologians to further their theological education for the good of the local church, their communities, their respective countries and the continent.

 Resolution 5 - Article VII – MEETINGS


The fourth paragraph of Article VII – MEETINGS states:

Due to the diversity of languages and dialects in Africa, English, French, and Portuguese will be the official languages for all UFBA meetings.

 However, the current UFBA logo only includes English and French.

 The Conference of the Union of African Baptist Women held from 14 to 17 August 2022 in Monrovia, Liberia accepts the following resolution:

 Resolution: The BWUA logo must be completed by adding Portuguese to English and French.

 Resolution 6 – Gender-based violence in Africa

The Baptist Womens Union of Africa Continental Conference meeting held in Monrovia Liberia held from the 14th to 17th August 2022: 

AFFRIMS that women and girls are created in the image of God.

ACKNOWLEDGES that women are essential to the health and vitality of families, churches, communities, and national life:

ACCEPTS  that the church has at times stood silent or has been guilty of not speaking out and challenging the reality that many women and girls face regular abuse and are unable to fulfil their God given role in society.

AFFIRMS that any form of harassment and violence against women and girls are not aligned with the principles of Scripture. 

BWUA CALLS the BWUA member bodies to:

· Enhance the appreciation of the worth and dignity of women and girls in all aspects of family, church life, and in society;

· Develop programs, policies, and practices that safeguard and empower women and girls;

· Provide access to counselling and safe places for women and girls who are victims of abuse;

· Ensure a system of transparent accountability that includes reporting of suspected abuse to appropriate authorities both inside and outside the church;

· Design and implement culturally contextualized curricula to educate ministerial leadership and congregations about the multi-faceted problem of violence on women and girls and processes to prevent such violence.

The Conference of the Union of African Baptist Women held from 14 to 17 August 2022 in Monrovia, Liberia accepts the following resolution:

Resolution: BWUA UFBA must look for partners to ensure the training of trainers for the management and animation of listening centers.

UFBA must encourage the multiplication of these trainings at the country level and the creation of listening centers.


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